Course Level: Beginner
Format Requirements: This course will be led by Clifford Goodman, PhD (Senior Vice President, The Lewin Group; President, Health Technology Assessment International; Chair, Medicare Evidence Development & Coverage Advisory Committee), and will include time for questions and discussion. Discussions will emphasize adapting HTA approaches for all types of health technologies and across international settings, and will provide opportunities for participants to raise questions about the role of HTA in their own research and policy environments. Attendees will receive copies of all course materials. There are no prerequisites for participation. The course is offered as an introduction to the field of HTA, but will be beneficial to intermediate participants as well.
Background: The course offers an introduction to concepts, methods, and trends in health technology assessment (HTA) and emphasizes the adaptation of HTA across a range of health system settings. The course addresses the following aspects of HTA: 1. HTA origin, definitions, purposes, and roles in health policy 2. Health technology: types, applications, lifecycle 3. Factors affecting technological innovation and technology overuse, underuse 4. Properties and impacts assessed in HTA: technical performance; health outcomes; quality of life; economic; etc. 5. HTA methods: primary, secondary/synthetic methods; economic analyses (cost-effectiveness analysis, QALYs, and more) 6. Appraising evidence in HTA 7. Priority setting for HTA 8. A framework for conducting HTA 9. Sources of evidence and expertise for conducting HTA 10. Current trends (e.g., emergence of comparative effectiveness research, relationship with personalized medicine) and challenges
Description and Objectives: HTA 101 is an introduction for those who are new to health technology assessment (HTA) as well as for those who seek a refresher course. Developed for international participants and updated annually, this evolving course has been a popular feature of HTA meetings for over 10 years. HTA 101 provides an overview of key concepts and skills essential to the practice and use of HTA, with special emphasis on adapting HTA approaches for all types of health technologies and across international settings. Covering the topics outlined above, the course has the following objectives:
- To introduce attendees to the concepts and methods used in HTA
- To identify and describe the roles played by HTA in health care policy and decision-making
- To explore the implications of current trends and emerging developments for the future practice of HTA
- To share information about additional sources of evidence and expertise to support further engagement with HTA
- To provide attendees with opportunities to understand the role of HTA in their own research of policy environments
- To strengthen attendees’ understanding and participation in other conference sessions in areas such as HTA, cost analysis, health policy, comparative effectiveness research, and more.